I saw Sex and the City 2 last night, I didn't actually mind it although I didn't get home till after 11pm, so waking up at 6.45am to go for my training run was a bit painful. I could hear the rain outside and my trusty iPhone told me it was only 5 degrees!! But I persevered and by the time I drove to Albert Park it was a pretty clear morning (but still cold). Driving there was an effort though, my car leaks water and the passenger floor fills up like a puddle which creates condensation inside the window, plus it grows grass as well - so I took the squeegee from the shower so I could see.
We ran 14km today, from the lake down the esplanade to the kiosk at Elwood and back, nice morning for a run, a little bit drizzly at times but watching the sun come up was a pretty good way to start the day and the rainbow over the bay on the way home was good to see as well. Tina and I stopped for a photo from Nicole as well, so we will have to see how that turns out, it was at the 8 or 9km mark so we must've looked a treat haha.
Well we are about a 1/4 of the way through training and it only gets bigger from here on. I think next week is 16km and we keep rising till we peak at 35km!
Fundraising is going pretty good as well, at last count I'd sold about 14 Entertainment Books which I get $13 from each one, $670 in donations and I've got to bank $220 from chocolate sales. It's the end of the financial year soon (as Foxtels tells us all) and any donations you make you won't have to keep a receipt for a full 12 months to claim back, so please dig deep and donate for a such a worthy cause. Click here to donate, search for Matt.
Time for a well deserved brunch with my friends now :) ciao
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