What a week it was!! I did a fair bit of running last week, and boy was it damn cold. Wednesday's session was absolutely freezing, the wind was coming through my new long sleeve top like no tomorrow. We did a bit of a warm up jog then proceeded with 8x400m sprints with 400m rests in between, but these rests just meant a 'slow' jog. It was a pretty good session though, albeit for the freezing weather. I really need to invest in some light gloves, my hands felt like an eskimo.
Saturday was a 12km run from the lake to the St.Kilda marina and back, was a beautiful morning for a run except for the big fat grey cloud over us that decided to piss down for most of the way home, it was blue sky over the bay, just not over us! We finished it off with some sprints as our 'cool down' or to stretch our fast twitching muscle fibres I think... Some weird voodoo stuff must've been happening down by that lake because we saw sawn off chicken feet scattered around the lake - bizzare! I had a 'few' good reasons to race str8 home after training, one of them was to pack my bags and get picked up for our weekend in Rutherglen for the Winery Walkabout tour. Our combined group all wore big colourful ties with words on them like 'I'm 2 sexy' and 'Kiss me' (mine was Kiss Me), I bought them for $2.50 each and decided that I would let everyone know about my goal to raise money for Cure Cancer Australia and whatever they chose to donate would go to the cause, I gave up the $$ I spent buying them and donated that as well. I ended up making $90 which will go towards the target of $2,000. We even chatted to some waitresses at Hog's Breath and sold them 2 spare ties. The rest of the weekend was a blur, I have unexplained bruises, we lost our friend and flatmate Virginia, I got denied access to my bank account for putting in the wrong pin - let's just say this weekend will be ALOT quieter.
I've made up for my bad behaviour with 2 laps of the tan with Lukas, he and Kate have signed up for the half marathon through Can Too as well. Let the training begin!! Although with how tired I'm feeling now I don't think training tomorrow is going to feel that great.
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